Ravenswood Avenue, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9UA

01473 728565

Ravenswood Community Primary School

Be Kind, Be Bold, Be Safe, Be You


SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Ofsted’s definition of SMSC is as follows:

 Exploring beliefs and experiences; respecting faiths, feelings and values; enjoying learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; using imagination and being creative; reflection.


At Ravenswood C.P. School, SMSC underpins everything that we do.

We recognise that the personal development of the children – spiritually, morally, socially and culturally – plays a significant role in their ability to learn, and to grow into well rounded members of society.


We aim to provide an education that provides children with opportunities to explore and develop:

  • Their own values and beliefs
  • Spiritual awareness
  • High standards of personal behaviour
  • A positive and caring attitude towards other people
  • An understanding and respect for their and others social and cultural traditions
  • An appreciation of the diversity and richness of cultures and the world around them. 


Spiritual Development 

The children’s beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for other people’s beliefs and values.

We promote this through the following:

  • Our Religious Education programme which includes visits to different places of worship.
  • Assemblies which celebrate beliefs and cultures from around the world,
  • Taking children out on school trips or inviting people into the school that inspire awe and wonder,
  • A PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) programme that allows pupils to reflect on their own feelings and develop an understanding of the feelings of others.
  • Developing creativity and imagination through a broad and balanced curriculum which includes, play, literacy, art, design technology, music and dance.


Moral Development

A pupil’s understanding, attitude and behaviour to what is right and what is wrong.

This is developed through:

  • Our behaviour system which provides a clear moral code for behaviour and relationships that is promoted and modelled consistently through all aspects of the school including breakfast club and after school club,
  • Our daily interactions and high expectations of behaviour and conduct,
  • Assemblies,
  • School Council,
  • Online safety lessons,
  • PSHE curriculum,
  • Our Ravenswood Characteristics of learning,
  • Class Charters,
  • Rewards such as verbal praise with a reason, stickers, Track it points, Shooting Star Certificates, Golden Time, Headteacher Awards, Books,
  • Promoting equality in relation to religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or gender,
  • Giving pupils opportunities to explore and develop moral concepts and values through the curriculum – PSHE, R.E., history, geography, literacy
  • Encouraging children to take responsibility for their actions, through PSHE, the Relationships policy and our Characteristics of Learning.
  • Learning about and raising money for charities,
  • Adults modelling fairness, integrity and respect for all pupils,
  • Recognising and respecting different cultures represented by pupils and staff in the school – Languages, cultural display, bilingual books, texts used to support the curriculum. 


Social Development

A pupil’s progressive acquisition of the competencies and qualities needed to play a full part in society.

We promote this through:

  • Our Characteristics of Learning by helping pupils develop qualities which are valued by society, such as, thoughtfulness, honesty, respect for others, moral principles, independence, co-operation, self-respect,
  • By encouraging children to work co-operatively in the classroom, on the playground and around the school,
  • Fostering a sense of community with common, inclusive values through assemblies, the PSHE curriculum, school Christmas fairs, cultural celebrations, charity events and workshops,
  • Encouraging children to recognise and respect social differences and similarities,
  • Providing children with opportunities to exercise leadership and responsibility through School Council, class monitors and the Play Leaders system.
  • Through the PSHE curriculum.


Cultural Development

A child’s understanding of the beliefs, values and customs in their own and others social, ethnic and national groups.

We promote this through:

  • Celebrating the attitudes, values and traditions of different cultures throughout the curriculum, assemblies, school social events, and visitors to the school,
  • Participating in County events such as sports matches and competitions e.g. Quad Kids,
  • Recognising and nurturing particular gifts and talents through after school clubs, talent shows and the curriculum,
  • Recognising and celebration of national events such as the Olympics and Remembrance Day,
  • Themed days linked to topics being studied throughout the school e.g. Greek Day.

British Values at Ravenswood C. P. School

At Ravenswood C.P. School we reflect British values in all that we do. Children are provided with opportunities to explore their own culture and have a clear understanding and appreciation of a wide range of cultural influences that have shaped modern Britain.


Teaching children about ‘British Values’ Democracy, The Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Personal Liberty, and Tolerance of others Faiths and Beliefs have always been a key element of our curriculum and wider philosophy. This is mainly achieved through Religious Education, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), assemblies, our Behaviour policy and our Characteristics of Learning.


The Rule of Law

  • Through the PSHE programme children are taught about the importance of laws and rules.
  • We develop understanding of the importance of having laws, and knowing that they protect us and influence our behaviour.
  • Children are encouraged to understand the consequences of breaking rules and  laws, through discussion and reflection.
  • At the start of each year, children help develop fair rules for the classrooms and the school.


  • Pupils vote for who represents them on the School Council and for their E-safety  Ambassador
  • They have a say in what happens in their school and their voices are heard through pupil perception questionnaires.
  • Children explore the principle of democracy through lessons and in assemblies.

Individual Liberty

  • Children are taught that everyone has rights and responsibilities.
  • They know that everyone needs to work within boundaries to make safe choices.
  • Pupils have the freedom to make choices about joining extra-curricular clubs.
  • They have the freedom to make choices about the tools they use and how they present their work in some lessons.
  • Classes have the freedom to make choices about what to present in class assemblies.

 Mutual Respect

  • Our Characteristics of learning influences the whole school community and  promotes respect and cooperativeness.
  • It is reflected in the children’s behaviour in the classroom and playground.
  • Children are encouraged to understand and appreciate that their behaviour affects their rights and the rights of others.
  • As a school, we all work together to help one another.
  • Everyone makes all visitors feel very welcome to our school.
  • The children learn about and support people less fortunate than themselves through charity work.

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

  • Children are taught about different faiths and cultures around the world,  mainly through R.E. and assemblies.
  • Children are encouraged to talk about a culture or custom from the UK or around the world.
  • Themed days and events teach children about different cultures.
  • Children enjoy visiting and learning about places of worship from different faiths.
  • Staff and pupils are actively encouraged to challenge prejudicial or  discriminatory behaviour.
  • Children are encouraged to respect differences of faith, ethnicity   disability, gender, sexuality, and different families.


Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.
PSHE education helps pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. From making responsible decisions about alcohol to succeeding in their first job, PSHE education helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.


These two elements are:

•Relationships education
•Health education

At Ravenswood we cover three core topics within PSHE, which are:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Relationships Education
  • Living in the wider world


Within these core themes children learn about:

  • Personal health
  • Family and relationships
  • Bullying
  • Citizenship, democracy and human rights
  • Careers and the world of work
  • Personal finance
  • Alcohol, smoking and drugs
  • Sex education 

In order to teach this key information and vital skills the teachers follow a long term plan for PSHE which has been written in line with the PSHE Association planning tool kit and our extensive knowledge of our pupils.

As a school, we use the SCARF scheme for the teaching of PSHE. We use of knowledge of the local area, national issues and in school events to adapt our curriculum to meet the needs of our children and prepare them for an ever-changing, fast paced, healthy and happy future. 


Characteristics of Learning


At Ravenswood we believe in the importance of helping your child to become a lifelong learner. In order to achieve this, we have 10 characteristics that we encourage the children to use during their school day whether on the playground, in class or in other areas around the school.

The 10 characteristics are:

Active listening

An excellent active listener understands how important it is to listen to others and that by actively listening they can learn a lot of new information.

An active listener always makes sure that they:

  • Make eye contact with the person speaking.
  • Think about what has been said before he responds. (They loves to answer questions and sometimes ask them.)
  • Is patient and respectful
  • Manages their distractions 



A cooperative learner understands the importance of working together as a team in order to achieve a goal because Together Everyone Achieves More!

 A cooperative learner knows that to cooperate with others they must:

  • Be ready and willing to learn from others
  • Manage their feelings when working with others
  • Communicate respectfully
  • Listen to different opinions and viewpoints
  • Share ideas
  • Take turns
  • Ask questions 



An enquirer a very inquisitive  learner who is always searching, exploring and discovering. Where every they go or whoever they talk to they always asks questions to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the world.

 An enquirer learns by:

  • Being curious
  • Asking questions
  • Challenging himself
  • Being inventive
  • Taking risks and not being afraid to get things wrong
  • Learning from his mistakes
  • Making links 



A flexible learner embraces change. They is not afraid to try out new things or take on new challenges.

Flexible learners know that being flexible is important when learning by themselves and with others so they always try to:

  • Adjust to new situations and people
  • Keep calm when he finds something difficult
  • Find solutions to new problems
  • Deal with a change in his routines
  • Takes on new challenges
  • Learns from his mistakes



Independent learners are very resourceful. They know that taking responsibility for their own learning helps them to understand and become successful. They learn different strategies to help themselves find out what to do when they don't understand or if they are stuck.

Independent learners always take responsibility for their own learning by:

  • Always being ready and willing to learn in different ways
  • Managing their distractions
  • Choosing and getting resources for themselves
  • Finding out information for themselves
  • Challenging themselves and asking questions
  • Persevering and not giving up
  • Working by on their own



Respectful learners always think about others and how they should treat them. Even though their friends may have different opinions, looks, thoughts or behave differently from them respectful learners always try hard to:

  • Think in a positive way about themselves and others
  • Act in a way which shows that they cares about the well-being and feelings of others
  • Follow the rules so that everyone can feel happy and safe
  • Treats everyone equally
  • Think about the tone of her voice when speaking to others 



Resilient learners are determined. They know that learning can sometimes be difficult but they never give up and they keep trying and trying until they have succeeded and reached their goal!

Resilient learners always try to:

  • Do their best
  • Be determined. They set their mind on a goal and work at it until it has been achieved
  • Take risks and learns from their mistakes
  • Perseveres, they do not give up!
  • Absorb themselves in their learning and work
  • Put as much effort into their learning as they can
  • Stay focused, they manage their distractions
  • Takes responsibility for their own learning 



Reflective learners like to think about their learning. They take time to think about what they need to learn in order to achieve a goal and they don’t mind changing her plans when they needs to. When a reflective  learner has completed their learning tasks they often thinks about their successes and what improvements they can make to their work.

Reflective learners do this by making sure that they:

  • Think about their learning and how they could do it better.
  • Takes on new challenges
  • Takes risk and learns from their mistakes
  • Thinks of solutions to solve problems.
  • Makes connections between something new and things that they already know


Risk Taking



Thoughtful learners are great friends. They knows that being caring and thoughtful means letting things matter to us and being so passionate about them that they want to help and make a difference.

To a thoughtful and caring learner always makes sure that they:

  • Thinks about others and ways they can help them
  • Thinks about manners and being polite to people. 
  • Takes time to listen and talks to friends
  • Takes an interest in others by asking how they are feeling 
  • Thinks about how to solve problems 



If your child demonstrates one of these characteristics they will be told which one they have achieved and why. They will then be given a learning buddy which is a small cuddly toy that sits with your child, on their table, as they learn.