Ravenswood Avenue, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9UA

01473 728565

Ravenswood Community Primary School

Be Kind, Be Bold, Be Safe, Be You

The Curriculum at Ravenswood Primary School 

We use a range of models to support and supplement our teaching of the curriculum at Ravenswood.

Our writing is connected to our foundation subjects so our children can reuse and deepen what they know. We use the CUSP curriculum for reading, writing, spellings, history, geography, art and design technology. Our MFL curriculum uses Rigalo.

Discrete phonics sessions are taught by following the 'Little Wandle' scheme of learning, which is accredited by the UK Government. We use the Big Cat reading scheme.

We teach maths through the mastery approach which is supported by the White Rose Maths scheme of learning, in addition to this the children also practice key recall facts using TT Rockstars and Numbots.

Our PSHE and RSE curriculum is delivered using the SCARF resources which has been written by the UK's leading charity for PSHE and wellbeing in schools.

Our computing scheme uses the Teach computing program developed by the National Centre for Computing Education.

We are a Suffolk maintained school, and therefore teach the Suffolk agreed syllabus for Religious Education - Where do I stand?. 

Image result for RE Image result for science Image result for maths Image result for Reading  

Each day starts with an 'EMA or early morning activity' of either arithmetic, common exception words or handwriting. Every morning, we have a 40 minute session of either phonics or whole class reading depending on the age and ability of the children. English and mathematics are both taught in discrete hour long sessions. The use of ICT is incorporated throughout the curriculum but computing skills are taught in dedicated sessions combined with online safety instruction. 

The highest emphasis is placed on the acquisition of the key skills of reading, writing and oral communication in literacy, which will be evidenced through pupils’ work across all curriculum areas.  

Image result for music in school Image result for Art Education Image result for design and technology See the source image Image result for PE 

The National Curriculum is just one element in the education of every child. There is time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to range beyond the National Curriculum specifications. The National Curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge around which our teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.

The National Curriculum comprises of twelve subjects, classified in legal terms as 'core' and 'foundation' subjects.

CORE: English, Mathematics & Science

FOUNDATION: Art, Music, Geography, History, Computing, Design Technology, PSHE, Modern Foreign Language (French) & Religious Education


Curriculum areas:

 On the last Friday of every month we hold an open classroom whereby we invite parents and carers to come in and share different elements of our learning. In addition, we are holding termly learning cafes where everyone is invited to come and learn with their children. 
If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, you can either contact our curriculum leaders - Miss L Thurston or contact one of the individual subject leaders which can be found on the subject pages.