Ravenswood Avenue, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9UA

01473 728565

Ravenswood Community Primary School

Be Kind, Be Bold, Be Safe, Be You

Religious Education


R.E is an essential component of a broad and balanced curriculum. It is a subject which makes a distinctive contribution to the school curriculum as it develops pupils’ knowledge and understanding of religion, tolerance, religious beliefs, practices, languages and traditions and their influence on individuals, communities, societies and cultures. It promotes understanding and respect for religions practiced around the world.

At Ravenswood, we teach R.E in a creative, engaging and inspiring way. We aspire to encourage students to develop an understanding of a range of world religions and use their independent ideas to ask questions and think deeper about religious and cultural issues.

Throughout their school life, children have the opportunity to learn and achieve by visiting different places of worship linked to the religions they are learning about in their year group. All pupils record lessons in either a floor book or RE book, which follows them throughout the year enabling them to show progression of their learning journey at school.

Through our continuing emphasis on the importance of R.E, our children develop a clearer understanding of the world and religions around them which is necessary for their personal development as active and responsible citizens.

 Religious Education is a statutory subject and is taught for 30 minutes in EFYS, 1 hour per week in KS1 (36 hours per year) and the equivalent of 1 hour 15 minutes in KS2 (45 hours per year).  

‘All children need to acquire core knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of the religions and worldviews which not only shape their history and culture but which guide their own development. The modern world needs young people who are sufficiently confident in their own beliefs and values that they can respect the religious and cultural differences of others, and contribute to a cohesive and compassionate society.’ The Religious Education Council of England and Wales.

 Please click
here to view our RE policy.